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Community School Family Survey

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Translation can be found in the bottom right corner of this screen. Please select the language you desire. 

El traductor se encuentra en la esquina inferior derecha de esta pantalla. Por favor seleccione el idioma que desee.

Yog xav tau cov ntawv no txais ua lus hmoob, saib hauv qab no rau sab xis, nias thiab xaiv qhov hais tias Hmoob.

Turjumaada waxaa laga heli karaa geeska midig ee hoose ee shaashaddan. Fadlan door luqadda aad rabto.



The Full-Service Community Schools (FSCS) strategy transforms a school into a place where educators, local community members, families, and students work together to strengthen conditions for student learning and healthy development. 

Richardson's FSCS (grant-funded work) will organize in- and out-of-school resources, support, and opportunities so that young people and families thrive. Please take a few moments to fill out this survey, this information will be used to make decisions on how we can best support families at Richardson. Thank you!


Parent or Guardian First namerequired
First Name
Parent or Guardian Last namerequired
Last Name
Must contain only numbers
Preferred Communication Methodrequired
Student Grade Levelrequired
How do you identify? Please select all that apply.required
Which of the following services do you believe would benefit your family?required
Do you attend Penguin Market?required
Would you rather have a mobile market at Richardson where you can shop for your own food?required
Which health and wellness services do you believe are most needed? Select all that apply.required
Which academic support services does your child need? Select all that applyrequired
Which after-school programs will engage your student? Select all the apply.required
What time would work best for your family for before or after school activities?required
What types of family engagement activities would you like to see? Select all that apply.required